- We Focus on the overall development of Core Skill Communication Personality Development
- We are the grooming center for aspiring computer professionals, whereby we provide training, hand holding, practical experience in live IT- project development and help in building a strong technology base.
- Our affordable, user friendly methodology is UNIQUE in its kind, whereby students & working professionals can quench their thrust of knowledge & also acquire enough hands on experience to be Industry Ready.
Training Methodology
- Modeling of Application.
- Documentation standard for SRS ( Software Requirement Specification) SDD (Software Design Document)
- Induction to Technology – Inducted to technology to apply the functional concepts of the model. Stress will be given in understanding of Functional System of the Model.
- Development of Coding Techniques, Development of Test Data Sets to test the validation and business logic before development of the system.
- Coding the system – stress will be given not on completion of large no of transactional forms but on quality of development as adherence to standards. Lot of Documentation, Quality Standards & Design Standards, Understanding of version control, case tool / object modeling techniques are also encouraged.
- Coding techniques in terms of performance, Query Optimization, Error Trapping, Reusable Object library development, are prime objective of training and Technology Seminars.
- The Same project may be completed by numerous participants, but effective documentation and team development model are stressed.
- Software Tool Development will be encouraged among aspiring candidates
Technology Area
A. Web Application Development Under the following Technology.
- Java - JSP/Struts frame work / Eclipse IDE – with Oracle RDBMS as back end database.
- Dot Net Frame work using C# with SQL Server RDBMS as back end database.
- PHP using MySQL as database under Linux Open
System. - Oracle 10 G based development with Oracle Web Developed IDE.
B. Client Server Programming
- Visual Basic Programming Language with ( SQL Server or Oracle as back end database.
- Developer / 2000 forms 6i reports 6i based development with oracle 10 G / 9i as RDBMS.
Course Curriculums
- Concept of ANSI SQL – 92
- Brush up of RDBMS – Oracle , SQL Server , ACCESS, MYSQL , POST GREE
- Concept of System design & Software Engineering
- Concept of Programming Language Web & Client Server application.
- Brush up lecture on JAVA – 3 Seminar Class
- Brush Up lecture on ASP - 3 Seminar Class
- Brush Up Lecture on PHP – 3 Seminar Class
- Frame work Seminars – Struts - 3 Seminar
- Dot Net Frame work Seminar – 3 Seminar
- Visual Basic Seminar Classes – 3 Class for VB Students
- Software Development Standards – 3 Classes
- Oracle RDBMS Detail Architecture and Administration - 3 Classes
- SQL Server RDBMS Detail Architecture & Administration – 3 Classes
- Reporting Tools – Crystal Report – 2 Day
- Data Management – System Administration
- Data Ware housing and Data Mining – 2 work Shop