- MACS – General
- MACS – Production
MACS – General
- General Ledger
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Management Accounts
- Inventory Management
- Purchase
- Factory Sales & Dispatch
- JOrder Processing & Marketing
- Payroll & Income Tax
- BOM ( MRP)
MACS – Production
- BOM ( Scheduling & Machine info)
- Demand
- Production Planning
- Production Scheduling & Tracking
- SPC / QC
- Plant Maintenance
- Fixed Assets
- Batch Job Costing
- Human Resource (HRD)
MACS – Supplements
- Branch Sales
- Share Accounting
- Investment Portfolio Management
- Provident Fund & Trust Management
MACS – SalesÂ
- Order Processing and Marketing
- Factory Sales and Dispatch
- Branch / Depot Sales Reconciliation
- Accounts Receivable
MACS – Material Management
- Inventory
- Purchase
- Accounts Payable
MACS – Payroll
- Payroll System / Income Tax
MACS –MRP (Material Requirement Planning)
- Inventory
- Purchase
- BOMÂ (Bill of Material)
- Order Processing and Marketing
- Production Demand