What is Macs

Manufacturing Activity Control System

  • Macs an on-line integrated  Information system, which models every business functionality, tracks the event, in it’s central data repository.
  • Integrates the events with ripple down effect, through out the enterprise. Automates the statutory & working data preparation jobs. Takes the drudgery from routine reporting task, by automatically generating such reports. This is a true ON-LINE Transaction processing environment where data is captured at the point of origin, and  that information is made available through out the enterprise with proper effects.
  • Integration and tuning of functionality are always unique to each enterprise, as each Corporation are special and UNIQUE in it’s own right. This is our definition of customisation.
  • MACS  reflects the spirit “UNITY IN DIVERSITY”. Developed using ORACLE as database engine, and GUI interface developed under Developer/2000, it supports Client Server architecture. It’s also been enhanced to the new 3-tire Net Architecture.
  • The modules in MACS can be deployed as stand alone application, or as integrated ERP-Like application. With features and functionality which match any standard ERP Package.
  • MACS helps to integrate the entire supply chain, no matter  what combination of manufacturing modes and distribution strategies you use. It integrates seamlessly with electronic commerce template and can be enhanced easily to support EDI facility.
  • MACS is available in all platform where ORACLE is available, and the clients are always standard Microsoft Windows / or NT workstations.

MACS the Better Solution

MACS ensure that no decision is made  in isolation and that the consequence can be quickly evaluated. Setting this up  is not a difficult job, it provides user defined templates to integrate the data you already have, just make it available through out the enterprise.

Finite Material Management

MACS considers  the availability of materials simultaneously with capacity. The benefit of this approach  is seen in the resulting schedules which are much more realistic, as they reflect both internal and external constraints.
To achieve this MACS calculates a finite material requirement plan (MRP) for the products in the schedule and matches this against stock or planned deliveries. In this way MACS acts an expert for the purchase department to ensure the very best use of capacity to meet customer service targets. MRP simulation can be used for all types of What If Calculation ?

Integrated Financials

MACS binds together all business activities within the framework of Financial figures, it tracks the business financial commitments, opportunities, liabilities and assets to give the management an ON-LINE picture of the companies financial status.
The Financial System elaborates a detail MIS report to enable problem identification, at the same time reducing the statutory requirement management to child’s play.

Supply Chain Management

MACS provide the cornerstone to coherent & responsive supply chain management strategy.
MACS implement the constraint based approach to manufacturing management.